Thursday, September 30, 2010
Digital Projection
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Gallery Sunday
It was just Susan and I in the gallery last Sunday. Her works are coming together now as her exhibition at Gatakers looms ever closer.
Clinton informed me that someone had left my exhibition in tears. I’m not sure why and hope to get some more information soon.
Apparently the show is upsetting a few people around the town.
I think it is very positive if artworks generate strong responses. People are very passionate about the types of artworks they choose to champion. This is a good thing up to a point. I don’t agree with people disgorging negativity over artworks they don’t understand.
I always say there is something for everyone in the boundless world of art. If you are receptive you can always find something positive.
If in doubt…talk to the artist!
Susan and I called in to see Jip again and I took this photo of him in his garden where this fabulous giant sunflower was overseeing things!
Well really, it’s a photo of the sunflower and its companion bug isn’t it? Not Jip at all if the truth be known!!
The garden was driving up flowers at a rate of knots. They were almost leaping out of the ground. A fence of tall red cordylines (?) greeted us on our arrival. They looked as if they were on fire. Their long thin leaves whipped about in a frenzy in the determined breeze. I knew they rustled with the excitement of another spring day.
The Snapdragons I had seen just a few weeks ago had multiplied inordinately. Their beautiful pinks and yellow faces now delicately embroidered with the touches of the deepest reds and browns.
Their companions, the pink geraniums timidly presented themselves like a group of debutants full of anticipation.
I took another 360 degree panorama, but I am still not happy with it. I keep having lighting problems with the sun streaming cunningly into the inner chambers as it does in St Peter’s at times.
I will have to come back again.
Jip enjoys company so all is well. He has given me another photo to restore. I will show you when it is finished.
Till soon….c xx
Monday, September 27, 2010
Youtube video
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Clinton’s portraits
I picked Clinton up this afternoon, so that I could take some portraits of him and try out my lighting. I bought some black sheeting for a backdrop.
Clinton is getting used to these photo sessions now, as there have been quite a few now. He is much more relaxed.
After the photo session we selected the best of the photos and I dropped Clinton back home.
I noticed that Jyp’s light was still on…it being about 6pm. I must call by in the morning and let him know when I will come to do the panorama of his ‘inner chambers’ as I like to call them.
When I got home I converted some of Clinton’s portraits to black and white.
Then, I reduced a few of files in size so they could be posted on Facebook. It took me a while to find out how to do this, but I eventually succeeded and I think Clinton will be quite happy.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Web design
In the end I gave it to Justyn when I went to ask Rachael if I could post it in my studio window. So I will have to get another tomorrow.
Rachael is thrilled to bits with the photos, and they really are quite good I think…better than I could have hoped for. It is the lighting that seems to make the difference. I am going to have fun experimenting.
Rachael is working around the corner in a retirement village and she put my name forward to develop a website for the growing complex.
I have made a few over recent years, or helped friends to make their own. Ben had bought me the software years ago… probably seven years. I was a bit hesitant to go online at first, but once I got going there has been no looking back.
The days just get busier and busier and I don’t know how I am going to get everything done! In the back of my mind is a little voice nagging me about what I will show at my next solo exhibition and I have been trying to sort that out. I would really like to show the digital works on paper with the figures I have made using the panorama settings. I am going to try to select up to ten good images.
But I must get on with the website first. It will mean some welcome dollars for me.
Till soon C xx
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Justyn’s photo shoot
I have just had a most exciting day. My friend Rachael had asked me to do some portfolio shots for he son Justyn.
I have known Justyn and Rachael for about 12 years now. Rachael has become a very dear friend. You will remember that I wrote about Rachael’s obsessions a few postings back.
Early in the morning I went to Bunnings and purchased a couple of lights to try out for this photo shoot.
In the morning session I couldn’t use the lights as they needed assembling. I managed to put them together for the late afternoon photo session.
I have attached a few files for you to see. I was delighted with the results. Let me know what you think. C xx
I got some terrific shots and spent a quiet evening at the computer.
Today I have Justyn coming by for a photo shoot. I will try to pick up some lights this morning …I’m sure Bunnings will probably have something. I will tell you how it went this afternoon.
No calls from Gatakers, so all must be well.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Photo shoot
I went to Gatakers Artspace on Tuesday to take some quality photos with my camera on a tripod.
I got some rather good results and I am about to post a few of the images. I have also sent out a couple of promotional packs.
I am feeling rather exhausted and yesterday I granted myself a day on the computer playing with images and not exerting myself too much.
This morning I tidied up the studio and in the afternoon I will open my big storage shed at the back and get it ready for the time that the goddesses return.
Trevor bought one of my small paintings on paper and I am hoping a few more will go over the course of the exhibition.
Talk soon C xx
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Exhibition opening
Sue and I arrived at Trevor’s house in the late morning. He had kindly offered to accommodate us for the night.
His house is a gem of a cottage down near the river. On arrival we found its enclosed veranda, latticed securely shut giving the cottage an air of mystery and self-containment. Suddenly the door burst open presenting our friendly and welcoming host.
Venturing inside one finds that the cottage’s interior is resplendent with beautiful old timber cupboards and sideboards . Patterned and Persian rugs cover the floor in a unique abstraction.
The walls are richly decorated with an array of interesting paintings, collected over many years. From children's paintings to very accomplished artist’s works.
A filtered light gently seeps into the home bathing its chambers with a secret promise.
In all, this beautiful old home, full of character and charm, evokes a sense of the best of times past and the surety of blessed tomorrows.
Then spell is broken. We are off to the gallery to set up the digital projection and to fix the lighting.
This done, it’s home to get ready for the evening. Time to relax a while. The exhibition is installed.
I am done! I am about to be released from the past and to be propelled into a new and exciting tomorrow.
Back to the Gatakers Artspace we go, to help prepare food for the people who will attend the two openings, that are on tonight.
Ben Gerdsen is exhibiting a vast display of colourful paintings in downstairs. His wife Sarah is preparing food
Beautiful red roses arrive from my sons and their families. They make me cry.
A small but ardent group gather for the opening. Marj (Director of Hervey Bay gallery) has kindly offered to MC the proceedings. Allison Bateman has travelled from the bay also and it is great to see her. Ben speaks about his work and then his show is officially opened by a very vivacious girl…..a local councillor.
Carol Seeger generously speaks for me, opening my show, then its upstairs for my floor talk.
I tell the story of the journey of a self taught artist. The story of an art practice that has sustained me through good times and bad, enriching my life in countless ways.
It is truly a privilege to be an artist.
C xx
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Setting up at Gatakers.
Susan and travelled in the overloaded ute to Maryborough.
When we arrived, we were helped by Kim and Robert…(volunteers at the gallery) to unload works to the loading bay and then up in the lift to the Nicholson Room.
Kim and I measured out the grid pattern on the floor and I marked the significant points with stickers.
The photos were set down in their correct position.
Then came the big job of finding the numbered parts and assembling the ‘Suburban Goddesses’.
It all went together quite well, but still took us four hours to finish with a half hour break.
During that break, Susan and I lunched at ‘Janet’s Bookshop/Cafe’. Attached is a photo of Susan checking on her shares! Also a photo of setting up.
I must really thank Susan as she has been amazingly helpful and supportive. I hope to return some favours when she has her show in November.
Tomorrow we head back to Maryborough for the opening.
Wish me luck!!
C xx
Monday, September 6, 2010
Packing Susan’s ute

My dear friend Susan Hutton has kindly offered to transport the SG’s to Maryborough in her ute. It is truly amazing how much we got into it.
Attached are some pictures of Susan, looking quite happy that we fitted everything in. It looks a bit messy doesn’t it?
On Wednesday Catherine McCue and I will head down to Cordalba to meet up with Susan . We will all travel in the ute to Maryborough. That should be interesting.
There will be a couple of gallery assistants to help us unload and set up the exhibition.
What a wonderful adventure. I always tell people… ‘it is a privilege to be an artist.’ And it is so much sweeter when one can share these significant moments with dearest friends.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Rachael’s obsessions!
But Rachael and I know that enough is never enough.
Rachael’s collections sample all manner of goods. China, crockery, ornaments, expensive pots and pans, drink coasters by the bag full. Clocks , watches, glo mesh bags by the dozens, scarves, dresses, petticoats, stockings, shoes, the ‘I can’t believe its’s a girdle’ girdle and ‘Cross your Heart’ bras. Dresses, capes, hats and gloves. Toys, books, school readers, dolls, cowboys and indians, Yowies, smurfs, Gi Joe and friends, leggos, old computers, mix masters, vacuum cleaners and so the list goes on.
I think she just about has one of everything that has ever been manufactured and multiples of most.
(In fact I think it’s probably easier to list those things that she does not have).
Her collection, having a life force all its own, has been breeding in dark cupboards, under beds, in the rafters and in old cardboard boxes from whence it oozes out all over the floor and competes for the household space.
Space?…..did I say space?………….Once many years back there had been space. But sadly the family is having to live on the few small pathways left between the household facilities.
It has become such a family dilemma, that Clinton and I felt it was our duty to take some of this ‘Junk’ off her hands, to ease her burden even a little.
Clinton delighted in the many ornaments and his favourites…Salt and Pepper shakers.
I selected doilies for my collages.
We didn’t seem to make any impression on the ever growing pyramid of junk. It had oozed out into the yard where it commandeered the pool table over which it nestled its bulky derrière, its old bras and girdles hanging out for all to see.
It is a sad story I know, but now that Jason has put his foot down, Rachael is showing signs of recovery and is slowly, but surely finding new homes for much of her junk. The rest is going up in the attic!
( Actually Rachael is always incredibly generous with her junk. It was Rachael who left the plastic coasters and the artists canvases on my door step weeks back. I guessed it must have been her.)
If one overlooks her addiction, one finds a charming, forthright woman with a heart of gold.
She is a very special friend. Love you Rach! ( Sorry!Just teasing!)
Till soon xx
Jip says yes
I knew Jip would say yes to this latest adventure. He is so proud of his home.
He reminds me that Channel 7 once visited him.
I told him I am going to photograph a panorama of his main room. I have never done a proper panorama before, bit I have a very sturdy tripod and I will give the project my best.
Jyp was ‘thrilled to bits’ with the photos I gave him…just delighted. He invited me to drop in for coffee any time I liked!
I might take the first photos on Monday, as Susan is coming to town from Cordalba. We are going to pack the SG’s into her ute and then put the roof covering over them. They will be quite safe in the shed until we leave for Maryborough.
Wednesday is setup day. I spoke to Trevor at Gatakers a few days ago as I had emailed him suggesting that my installation will probably measure 9m x 9m and I was wondering if he thought it would leave sufficient room for people to walk around it. He didn’t sound to sure that there was enough room. On the day I may have to make the decision to sacrifice another line of SG’s if I have to. I really don’t want that to happen.
So many compromises.
One good thing is that today I have finished the musical Digital Projection. I must have reworked the show a hundred times. I think I must be incredibly fussy. I am going to produce a standard Powerpoint presentation as well. I have loaded the first presentation on to my new laptop.
I had more prints done of my canvases. I have five packs ready to mail out to potential buyers and galleries. The packs look quit smart. But even so, times are difficult for artists and one can’t expect too much.
I emailed Carol Seeger, my printmaking friend who has kindly agreed to open my exhibition. She will do a great job.
Trevor has booked a table at a local restaurant for celebrations after the opening. It is going to be fun all week.
Tim Morrell, past curator of contemporary art at the Qld Art Gallery, past freelance curator and writer …now retired, is going to write about the show, which is wonderful news.
When I have his review I will contact one of the art magazines re publishing.
Till soon,
C xx
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Jip’s photo
I called in on Clinton yesterday to show him the photo books and posters that I had bought. Along with the cards, they will make good souvenirs of the exhibition. They will be quite cheap to buy.
Clinton wants to have a book produced, so I’m sure I can help with that after next week.
Clinton showed me one of his most complex works…it was quite amazing. A small assemblage bursting with glued and stuck china ornaments and plastic fruit. The ultimate extravagance. I love it.
We had a glass of wine and talked about Joan Winter’s upcoming exhibition in Brisbane. I had thought I might be able to send a couple of the SG’s that are not required for the Maryborough show.
I will have to drop in on Clinton again as I didn’t get all the information. We strolled down the road…just a hop, skip and a jump from Jyp’s floral fantasy.
I had another digital print to give Jyp….The portrait of him in front of his deciduous tree that he had taped the fabric flowers to.
I think he was quite pleased with the portrait. But true to form, he complained about his ‘googly’ eyes and playfully slapped me around the shoulders a couple of times.
I don’t think the man knows his own strength!!
Jip showed Clinton and I around the garden. The grass had been freshly mowed and was luxuriously green in the late afternoon light. A dark shiny green. One of those painters greens that never seem quite natural. But there it was… a garishly beautiful green carpet rolled out for royalty.
(Red carpets having become boringly ubiquitous!)
All the many plants, recently watered, stood fresh and alert in the small disorderly garden. They radiated a joyful life force, much like their owner.
Tall shrubs stood between miniature cabbages mossy green and hard as cricket balls. Jyp had just cooked one for tea.It must have taken hours! He obviously has a strong constitution.
Jip offers me a cabbage, but I decline graciously.
Jip had been waiting for two years for those cabbages to reach maturity. Patience of a Saint.
The garden was alive with promise. Spring was certainly in the air. But remember, it is an eternal Spring at Jyp’s place.
The deciduous plants though, had not burst forth their buds and blooms. Maybe they felt the floral fakes that Jip had taped around their barren winter branches, were sufficient testimony to their maker that they were fulfilling their role in natures story.
But really, I think they will probably start to move anytime soon.
Newly planted Snap Dragons, stood to attention, lining the front of the house, in between tomato plants. We walked their line….an official inspection party, and found everything in order… if disorderly can ever truly be in order.
The Snap Dragons in yellows and pinks had started flowering soon after planting Jyp reported. No doubt they knew it was Spring and wanted to make the most of it.
Their strange frilled mouths slightly open, bought out a desire in me to pinch the flowers at their sides to make them ‘talk’ or ‘snap’, as I had done when I was a small child…a rather unusual small child. I resist the temptation, being older and wiser… which really means…having less fun!
We went upstairs as I had wanted to do a restoration of an early photo Jip has of himself.He is very proud of the young man depicted there. I took a number of photos of Jip’s damaged picture.
I will get a couple of photos done of the new image processed for Jip. I have attached the digital files with ‘Before’ and ‘After’ delight.
Well it’s still not 100% right, but it is a big improvement.
We wished Jip farewell, leaving him complaining to himself about the exorbitant price increases uptown for fabric flowers.
I had an email late today, inviting me to submit some works for a photographic exhibition. Subject matter preferred is of a quirky nature. Quirky comes easily to me!! I thought some photos of Jip’s house interior could be just the thing. Maybe even a 360 degree panorama!! What an exciting challenge.
Step one will be to ask Jip if he is keen to allow it. I know he will say yes.
I will tell you more about the show as things progress.
C xx