Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gallery Sunday

It was just Susan and I in the gallery last Sunday. Her works are coming together now as her exhibition at Gatakers looms ever closer.

Clinton informed me that someone had left my exhibition in tears.  I’m not sure why and hope to get some more information soon.

Apparently the show is upsetting a few people around the town. 

I think it is  very positive if artworks generate strong responses.  People are very passionate about the types of  artworks they choose to champion.  This is a good thing up to a point. I don’t agree with people disgorging negativity over artworks they don’t understand.

I always say there is something for everyone in the boundless world of art.  If you are receptive you can always find something positive.

If in doubt…talk to the artist!


Susan and I called in to see  Jip again and I took this photo of him in his garden where this fabulous giant sunflower was overseeing things!

Well really, it’s a photo of the sunflower and its companion bug isn’t it? Not Jip at all if the truth be known!!

The garden was driving up flowers at a rate of knots. They were almost leaping out of the ground. A fence of tall red cordylines (?) greeted us on our arrival.  They looked as if they were on fire. Their long thin leaves whipped about in a frenzy in the determined breeze. I knew they  rustled with the excitement of another spring day.

The Snapdragons I had seen just a few weeks ago had multiplied inordinately.  Their beautiful pinks and yellow faces now delicately  embroidered with the touches of the deepest  reds and browns.

Their companions, the pink geraniums timidly presented themselves like a group of debutants full of anticipation.

I took another 360 degree panorama, but I am still not happy with it. I keep having lighting problems with the sun streaming cunningly into the inner chambers as it does  in St Peter’s at times.

I will have to come back again.

Jip enjoys company so all is well.  He has given me another photo to restore.  I will show you when it is finished.

Till soon….c  xx

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