I have been working on my photo book design. The books will be 8’ x 8’, soft cover and 20 pages long.
I have selected a variety of the better images and the book design is looking quite good.
On the back cover, I will have contact details. Web, blog, email etc.
Big W have a special deal at the moment…two books for the price of one. Fantastic! I may be able to sell them for $12 - $15. They could make a small profit.
I’m not sure if you have seen any of my ‘Fairies?’ – I have attached one below. I couldn’t resist making them, but they are not to be taken too seriously!!
Susan is coming up from Cordalba and staying overnight with me. We are dining out tonight, which will be a treat.
Art is our favourite subject (as well as shares!) so there will be some interesting conversation.
There is not long now before Susan and Catherine Mc Cue have their joint exhibition. It will be straight after mine, and in the Gatakers sculpture room.
I hear on the grapevine that Catherine is back from her tour of Europe. I can’t wait to hear her stories.
I treated myself to a small laptop yesterday. It was such a good price. It is therefore not overly sophisticated, but it runs my Digital Projection perfectly and has quite a lot of storage space. I am even able to develop a Home Network as both of my computers have Windows 7.
This will mean that I won’t get caught out again, with discs not working properly when I am doing my own ‘networking’.
Trevor Spohr rang from Gatakers to go over a few details. He managed to get the Digital Projection working, but with space being an issue due to the large number of ‘Suburban Goddesses’, we may have to use a monitor to show it.
I am loving reading Kate Llewellyn’s ‘Water Lily.’ (A Blue Mountains Journal.’) It is so rich in it’s interesting descriptions. Thanks again Kathy Donnelly for such a beautiful gift.
Kathy loves the opening sentence. Kate writes…
‘When I came to live in the mountains, I was determined to be happy.’
I wonder if it turned out that way. I will soon find out.
I so admire Kate’s evocative words. Here are a couple of examples:
In Kate’s Journal she writes….Sunday, 29 September:
‘I have just walked outside. The moon is full. It is sailing across the sky above a pine like a huge white coach pulled by invisible horses. There's the aura of a rainbow round it like a promise.’
A few pages later Kate writes…
‘And now to bed, while outside a sky stained with pink like a blouse with a lipstick smudge and the sea pounding strong and regular as your mother’s heart before you entered this world.’
I will always think of my own mother when I hear the sea in future.
Beautiful words.
c x