I guess you must be wondering where I have been lately. Well I am stopping in Eatons Hill in Brisbane for a week or two while I am preparing my house there for rent.
I sit in the middle of an empty house. My previously faithful laptop is on my knees. It has decided not to type the letter ' ' ...the one etween 'a' and 'c'. Sometimes it likes to add hyphens to the words I am typing. It is very erratic.
So to get back to what I was saying.....I am sitting alone in the middle of this empty house. Previously faithful laptop seems to be gathering objects to itself in contradiction to its original 'raison d'etre'.
Not happy with it's own keyboard, I have had to purchase a second plug in keyboard just to type the letter 'b'. My laptop also has an object plugged in called a 'dongle'. Not a very elegant word is it? But without a dongle, life would be hardly worth living. For those of you who are dongle deficient...the dongle provides my wireless internet access.
Next to the dongle is a tiny plugin that magically frees my mouse from the necessity to have a tail. I really love this idea...I think it is probably my favourite..
Plugged in on the other side is my usb port that connects my two terabyte back up hard drives, the odd memory stick and of course my hot pink Lacie 30g mini hard drive that every one covets. Not to mention, my SD memory card from my digital camera.
Finally, there is the power pack which must be plugged in every twenty minutes or so or my laptop will shut down sometimes without even a courtesy to hint that it is about to do this.
The dream was all about portability wasn't it??? And what ever happened to 'user-friendly'?? c x