Saturday, May 29, 2010

Broken Woman series

I am posting a few of the digital works from the 'Broken Woman' series I referred to.

They are photos of mannequins merged with photos of the lids of biscuit tins. There are over 200 works in the series. I will post some more images from time to time.

Over many years, I have collected a few old shop mannequins that are somewhat weathered now. They have quite a lot of character. Sometimes I have asked shopkeepers to allow me to photograph their mannequins. Usually they don't mind. Actually I think there is a whole new exhibition proposition there.....once the Suburban Goddess show is over.

These mannequins were stored in my shed for so many years before I found what I had needed them for. I have tried using living subjects in the same way that I have manipulated mannequins, but I don't think they have worked out so well.

Working with mannequins and dolls, opens up a dialogue about that very practice. It raises many questions.

I made good progress on a Powerpoint digital presentation yesterday. I created 40 pages which took some time and patience. I was soon to finish the project for the day when an error message appeared and my presentation was shut down and lost. I had forgotten to save as I progressed, and therefore, had to start again. I thought I had learnt that lesson before!!

Some good news this week: I have been selected for the 'Erotica' National Acquisitive Award run by Artworkers in Brisbane. I will post a picture of the digital work after the opening, which is Saturday June 5th. It should be a most interesting show. I will travel to Brisbane for it, and try to arrange a consultation with Artworkers at the same time. I want to make a few connections in Brisbane if I can, and hope to get their advice .

Agenda for today: 9am Coffee with girlfriends

Another coat of paint on collage......start a new on that digital presentation.

Till soon. c

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